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If you already use the domain www.thorsten-oberbossel.de you don't need to attend this message any longer.
If you aren't tired of browsing through the web, yet, you are welcome to take a look at this page, which is still and probably always on the increase.
If you want to get more information about me, Thorsten Oberbossel, you could read my short self-description. This page also contains links to my friends' home pages, collected sites about my hobbies, information about newspapers, radio stations and TV in the Media section and links to sites which deal with science and political events and institutions in Germany and international.
If you search something you can't find here, you can use these search engines.
If you want to leave a message or some critizism to me, please send me an E-Mail.
© 1997 by Thorsten Oberbossel
Latest update: monday, December 4th 2017.