it's fascinating and frightening at one time how human's civilisation
and nature influence each other and how sensitively ecological systems
react to man made manipulation. On this list you can find some links to
ecological research or result sites.
- Books@
- Conferences
- Conservation@
- Ecopsychology@
- Ecosystems
- Forestry@
- Global Warming@
- Institutes
- Journals
- Long-Term Ecological Research Network (LTER)
- Organizations
- Ozone Depletion@
- Paleoecology
- Pollution@
- Sustainable Development@
- Watersheds
- Weather@
- Wildlife Management@
- Biospherics
- EcoThoughts- Thinking Ecologically in the 90s
- Effect of Sewage Sludge Amendment on Atmospheric Methane Oxidation
- Encyclopedia of Gap Analysis
- Environet
- General Biodiversity Related Resources
- General Ecology - An Introduction
- Ice Age Paleoecology
- Introduction to Marine Ecology and Tidal Processes
- Man And the Biosphere (MAB)
- Marine Ecology
- Microbial Diversity
- Natural History of Perinton, NY
- Ordination Methods for Ecologists
- Population Ecology
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